Leaf clearing has begun

From 16 October until December, Amey will be providing additional resources to help tackle the increased number of leaves on the streets in Elmbridge, Mole Valley and Surrey Heath.

As this is a busier than usual time for our street cleaning teams, please bear with us if you have submitted a street cleaning request. Higher demand on the service means it may take a little longer for our team to get to your request, but please be assured crews will be along as quickly as they can.

What can residents do to help?

Do not sweep leaves from driveways or gardens onto footways, paths and roads.
Collect and recycle leaves that are on your property. Find out more about garden waste recycling here.

If you live in Elmbridge, Mole Valley or Surrey Heath and need to submit a street cleaning request, please visit our reporting page.

Amey are not responsible for street cleaning in Woking, if you are a Woking resident and would like to submit a street cleaning request, please visit the Woking Borough Council website.