What we do

Joint Waste Solutions (JWS) develops countywide initiatives on behalf of the Surrey Environment Partnership (SEP) which aim to increase recycling, reduce waste and tackle other environmental issues.

These include running countywide awareness campaigns; providing tools and information to help residents to recycle; delivering targeted interventions to increase food waste recycling and reduce the contamination of recycling bins; engaging with residents through the Rethink Waste scheme to encourage waste reduction; and working together to respond to the implementation of emerging national waste policy reforms.

SEP includes the 11 district and borough councils that collect waste and recycling in Surrey and the county council, which is responsible for disposing of it.

JWS also manages waste services in Elmbridge, Mole Valley, Surrey Heath and Woking. The team oversees a joint waste, recycling and street cleaning contract with Amey which is saving around £2.5 million a year while maintaining high quality services. The contract covers all aspects of waste collection including household waste, recycling, food waste, garden waste, bring banks, clinical waste, bulky waste and replacement bins.

In Elmbridge, Mole Valley and Surrey Heath the contract also includes street cleaning and associated activities such as street sweeping, bin emptying, weed control, graffiti clearance, fly-tipping and fly-posting removal.