Mole Valley FAQs

Q: Is my garden waste bin going to be emptied?

A: Yes, we are pleased to let you know that the fortnightly garden waste collection service is restarting. This is planned to start in Mole Valley during weeks commencing Monday 18 April and Monday 25 April depending on whether your garden waste is usually collected with your rubbish or recycling bin. After that, your garden waste collections will continue on a fortnightly basis with the next collections being weeks commencing Monday 2 May and Monday 9 May.

Q: Does this mean the suspension of the garden waste collections has ended?

A: Yes, we are pleased to let you know that the service is being restored, putting an end to the suspension of the fortnightly garden waste service. Please bear with us initially while the service is re-established and gets back to normal. Please put your bin out at 6am and if it is missed, please report as a missed collection, and leave out for a catch up round who will come back as soon as possible.

Q: How has the restart of the fortnightly service been communicated to subscribers?

A: Subscribers have been contacted by letter or email. If you would like to receive future updates via email please visit and sign up to the bin collection mailing list via ‘My Mole Valley’ and then ‘My Alerts’.

Q: When will new subscribers be able to sign up?

A: We are going to phase in new subscribers once we are satisfied that the service has been restored fully. Keep checking the Mole Valley service update page for further updates.